We Appreciate and Value
Your Support
Your tax deductible donation helps us fulfill our mission to collect, preserve, and exhibit the history of Erath County and Texas. Your generous support allows us to provide exhibits, educational programs and events to Erath County while preserving this area’s rich history.
The museum grounds

Engraved Brick Pathway
Your gift of one or more engraved bricks will help the museum meet many needs, including maintenance and restoration of the museum’s historical structures, improved exhibits, preservation of historical artifacts, and educational programs. Additionally, replacement of the old brick pathway will provide a more beautiful and safe walkway for museum visitors. Your engraved brick will be placed in the walkway leading from the Berry Cottage to the Carriage House.

Oxford House Preservation
Threatened with destruction due to development, the historical Oxford House was donated to the museum. With the generous support of the community, funds were raised to move the entire house, in eleven pieces, to the museum grounds. Efforts to save the Oxford House would not have been possible without the generosity of donors, but before the house can be fully restored and opened to the public, additional funds are needed. Please consider making a contribution.

General Fund Donations
Help preserve the heritage of Stephenville and the Erath County area by making a donation! Tributes and memorial donations can be made in honor of a friend or family member. The honored person will receive an acknowledgement that a gift has been made in their honor. If you are interested in making a lasting impact on the future of the Stephenville Historical House Museum, consider making a planned gift such as a bequest.